These three things are essential to the recognition of who you are, what you do and what you stand for.
Often though they are conflated and this can lead to misunderstanding and confusion.

Let the demystification begin! 🧙‍♂️

⦿ BRANDING is how the customer feels about your business. These feelings are related to the impression your company has left through different touch points, advertising, customer service, price and even your logo. It is also what generates the emotional connection between your product or services and your customer needs.

✪ Your LOGO represents your business in it's simplest form. There is debate about how many different types of logo exist, however I contend that there are five types, these are; wordmark, lettermark, brandmark, combination mark and emblem. A great logo helps you stand out from the competition, gives key information about your business and helps build recognition.

❖ IDENTITY is the most complex of the three categories. It is your USP, the way your company philosophy, culture and visuals work together. The more positive the impact that a brand has on the customers life, the more loyal they will be and this is crucial to any brand identity.
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